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2021 AWC Contest Listing Announced

I am happy to announce that the writing contests have been posted for the 2021 Arkansas Writer's Conference to be held in June. I am a member of the board who plans this annual event, and I am also sponsoring one of the contests for the first time. It is called Animal Perspective and hope many of you enjoy entering this category.

Below is the list of writing contests:

Literary Contests


1. Carl J Iannacone Memorial Award ($50/$30/$20) Short Story. Subject: College Graduation Ceremony. 1500 words max. Chair: Brenda Iannacone

2. WOW! Press Award. ($50/$30/$20) My One Bright Light in the Year of Covid Pandemic, Short Memoir 1000 Words Chair: Janis F. Kearney

3. Mistletoe Award. ($50/$30/$20) Short Story. Subject: Value of a Pound Puppy. 1500 words max. Chair: Brenda Iannacone

4. Youth Prose, ($25/$15/$10) Short Story-humorous adventure. Subject: Favorite holiday. 2000 words. Open only to youth age 10-17. Contest fee and conference registration fee for youth is free. Chair: Sara Gipson

5. Dilemma Award. ($25/15/$10) Short Story. Charity Donations.: Which group deserves it the most. 1200 word max. Chair: Brenda Iannacone

Contests 6-16 OPEN TO ALL. Cash Awards for contests 6-16 vary.

6. The Erdel Family Memorial Award. ($20/$15/$10) Paranormal Romance Short Story. 2000 words. Romance with elements beyond the range of scientific explanation. No erotica or slasher/horror. Chair: Ellen Withers.

7. MAKE A WISH CONTEST ($25/$15/$10) Fantasy Short Story. Protagonist finds a magic lamp; G/PG rating. 1500-2000 word limit. Chair: Kim Vernon/Gary Rodgers.

8. Del Garrett’s Gimme The Creeps. ($25/15/$10) Horror. Funny Short Story (no slashers) about a wedding or other party in a haunted house or graveyard. 1500 words max. Chair: Del Garrett Indicate willingness to be published in upcoming anthology.

9. The Great Escape ($25/$15/$10). Solve the Thief of an Art Masterpiece: Who Did the Crime and How did they leave the scene when all doors had 24/7 live camera surveillance. Short Story. 1200 words. Chair: Brenda Iannacone

10. Fiction Who-Dunnit Award. ($50/$30/$20). Short Mystery Story. The Case of the Missing Cow. 1500 words. Chair: Brenda Iannacone

11. AR Pioneer Branch NLAPW Prose Award. ($50/$30/$20) Humorous short story about Home Repair. 1200 words Chair: Brenda Iannacone

12. AR Pioneer Branch NLAPW Poetry Award. ($50/$30/$20) Free Verse. Any subject. 24 line limit. Chair: Brenda Iannacone

13. White County Creative Writers Award (($25/$15/$10) High Falutin’ Western Adventure Must use these words- Cowboy, lasso, River, Dance and Varmint. 1500 words Chair: WCCW

14. LaViness Award for Living Mystery, ($25/$15/$10) Mystery Short Story: Any subject. Not a murder mystery, No deaths allowed. 2000 words max. Chair: Renee LaViness

15. Scott Plantation Settlement Award. ($25/$15/$10) Memoir or short story featuring a WWII veteran. 2500 words. Chair: Sara Gipson

16. Animal Perspective ($25/$15/$10) Short Story, 2000 words. Write from the point of view of your pet or any animal. Chair: Jennifer Landers

17. YOU GOT MY GOAT ($25/$15/$10) Subject: YaY! Fantasy Short Story. A lighthearted fantasy involving a disappearing goat. 2500 word max. Chair: Carol Hodges. For a brief critique, request on 1st page of story.



18. David Goodgame Memorial Award ($50/$30/$20). WHAT I LEARNED FROM MY CHILDRN...WHEN I LISTENED. Poetry. Free Verse. 30 line limit. Chair: Rita Goodgame

19. Henry & Betty Heidelberger Memorial Prose Award. ($25/$15/$10) Subject: What Does the Locked Trunk in the Attic Hold, 1200 word. Chair: Brenda Iannacone

20. Dorothy Truex Memorial Prose Award. ($25/$15/$10) Romance Short Story That occurs during a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet. 2000 words. Chair: Ellen Withers

21. Peggy Vining Memorial Essay Award. ($25/$15/$10) Subject: Best Anniversary Gift Ever. 750 word max. Chair: Pioneer Branch NLAPW

22. Jim Barton Memorial Poetry Award. ($25/$15/$10) Tricube-each line contains 3 syllables; each stanza contains 3 linesa; each poem contains 3 stanzaa. Subject: Any subject, no rules for rhymes, meter, etc. Length: 3 stanzas. Chair: Ellen Wither

23. Dusty Richards Memorial Prose Award. ($25/$15/$10) Western Short Story. A Western genre short story with one female character, doesn’t have to be main character. 2500 words. Chair: Ellen Withers

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